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  • Writer's pictureJulia

Full Circle

Updated: Sep 23, 2018

Jesus appeared twice to the disciples in Jerusalem at an interval of 8 days. Then...nothing. The disciples remembered something Jesus had said, "after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.” (Mark 14:28). So they returned to the sea of Galilee (or Tiberias as it was also called) where they had gone with Jesus several times during His ministry. This was home for many of them and seven of the disciples were gathered together probably discussing what to do next. Peter pops up with "I'm going fishing!" and the others decide to join him. They fish through the night and catch nothing. Discouraged, they head towards shore as the sun rises over the hills to the east. There is a dimly seen figure on the beach towards which they are headed and they hear a man's voice asking if they "have any meat?" When they say no, the voice calls again "Cast your nets on the right side". They try the stranger's advice and as they pull in the net it threatens to break because it is so heavy with the amount of fish they have caught!

Recorded in Luke chapter 5, is the story of when Jesus first called Peter, James and John. Jesus had been teaching on these same shores of the Sea of Galilee and He had asked to use Peter's boat because the crowd that had gathered around Him was so great. Peter pulled out a little way into the water and Jesus had preached from his boat. Afterwards, Jesus told Peter to go out to deeper water and throw his net. When he did, he caught so many fish that he had to call his partners, James and John to come help him gather them in. They turned to Jesus in astonishment. Peter fell on his knees and said, "Depart from me for I am a sinful man" (Luke 5:8) Jesus had replied, "Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men". (v. 10) When they reached the shore, Peter, James and John "forsook all, and followed Him" (v.11)

John, suddenly remembering this, whispers to Peter in awe that this man on the shore must be the Lord! Peter realizing that it's true, jumps in the water and swims the hundred yards to shore in his eagerness to be with Jesus. He finds Jesus cooking them breakfast. The other disciples soon join them and they share a meal with their Savior.

After they eat, Jesus asks Peter a pointed question "lovest thou me more than these? " (v.15) Remember, a short time ago, Peter had boasted that he loved the Lord so much that he would "lay down his life" (John 13:37). The word for love that Jesus used in His question was "agapas" implying adoration. Peter answers humbly, "Lord you know I Love you like a friend (he used philos)" This was a much chastened Peter. He did not claim undying, over-the-top adoration that was greater than any of the other disciples. He used the word that described his feelings best. And Jesus said to him "Feed my lambs!"

Jesus repeats the question 3 times and 3 times Peter answers humbly and sorrowfully.

Each time, Jesus urges him to "feed, shepherd, pasture" His sheep. This was in front of his fellow disciples and they all knew why Jesus had repeated this question 3 times. Because 3 times Peter had denied Him, indeed they had all deserted Jesus just as He had foretold. None of them had offered to lay down their lives for Him or even to die with Him. Jesus had died for those denials and even the lies that Peter had told. He really had "laid down His life" for Peter and for them all. Now He was making it clear that those sins, like all the rest, were forgiven. And furthermore, Jesus had a job for them! They were to carry on with Jesus' mission as the "Good Shepherd". He even gives Peter a prophesy telling him that he will also die for the sheep in the end. Jesus lets Peter know that He realizes that Peter will carry out the mission to the bitter end this time.

Now Jesus says to them all: "Follow Me!" Things have come full circle. These men had answered the same call here in this very place 3 years ago (Matthew 4:19) and they had followed Jesus through Judea, Samaria and Galilee. They had seen the crowds that were drawn to Jesus and had listened while He taught them. They had watched as He performed so many awesome miracles of healing and even raising the dead. They had seen Him stand up to the religious bullies in Jerusalem with quiet confidence. They had heard His promises of strength and guidance in the upper room. They had heard Him pray to His Father for them and they had watched Him die for them even though they "denied" Him. Then, they had witnessed the wonder of His resurrection. Now they were here sharing a meal with Him in the very same place where it all began. He was alive in a way they could not explain in a body that still bore the marks of His death and He had forgiven them. Now Jesus was giving them again the same command that He had before: "Follow Me!"

I have enjoyed my study through the book of John and I've learned some interesting things through commentaries, concordances and word studies. However, I think the best part of all of this is that, by trying to see what these men saw and feel what they felt, I have gone on my own journey of discovery. I have imagined myself on crowded streets and peaceful hillsides. I've been present in my imagination when Jesus healed and taught. I have faced His death on the cross and I have marveled at His resurrection. And now, as I imagine sitting by an open fire on the shore of a quiet lake, I too remember the times that I have failed my Savior. It brings tears to my eyes to think that knowing what I know about His death for me, seeing what I have seen as He worked in my life, I still have faltered in my faith. At times I still do things that I know distress Him. And yet, here in this quiet moment at the end of John's wonderful gospel, I know that my amazing Savior forgives me, loves me and still has things He wants me to do for Him. I hope you feel the same.....

It truly is an Amazing Grace that Our Creator has for us. It is a Love that we didn't ever deserve. It is a Grace-given Love that we could never earn on our own. It is a such a Grand Love that it will take us an Eternity with Him to understand it. And aren't we blessed that God Loved us enough to send His Son so that we might have that Eternity?

"For God So Loved the World...."

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